Lifestyle25 September 2019
Raise your hands if you are over the rainbow for the warmer weather? I know I am. And now the weather is turning and the flowers are blooming, I have packed up and parked myself in the garden. Now it’s time to celebrate…with a picnic!

Picnics are one of my FAVOURITE outdoor activities. My best memories of spring are kicking off my flip flops (that’s what we call them in Southern California), spreading out my blankets and grooving to live bands in the park – with my top sweets and snacks. It’s always about the snacks!
When I got older and met my partner, we would pack sandwiches and chips in our picnic backpack (BEST INVENTION EVER) and go for hikes and beach walks while we were getting to know each other. Cute, huh!?!
As a matter of fact, one of my top tunes of all times is Ladybug Picnic from Sesame Street (what can I say, I’m a kid at heart…and by the by, it’s a timeless classic!)
So now that we’ve seen a peek of the sun (and the kids are home), why not stretch your legs, and your blankets on the lawn and have a lazy day outside.
(hint…notice a watermelon theme? I adore pink and green!)

Top Row: Vidrios Tiki Juice Dispenser from Farmers; Sony SRSXB 12 Compact Extra Bass Wireless Speaker from JB HiFi; Watermelons Tea Towel from Bed Bath N’ Table.
Middle Row: A-la Carte Astar Bowl (16 cm Coral) from Farmers; Seaside Supplies Watermelon Citronella Candle Tin Bucket from Bed Bath & Beyond.
Bottom Row: Random Harvest Triple Case Sweet Tooth Sauce Set from Farmers; Seaside Supplies Round Watermelon Fringe Beach Towel from Bed Bath & Beyond; Haven Kitchen Sweet Treats Milkshake Cup from Farmers.
And while the kids are playing, why not pick up some yummy takeaway from LynnMall – don’t you deserve a little relaxing? Here’s some inspiration PLUS if you want to have sundaes (and who doesn’t?), you can serve them up without it melting all over…and the kitchen stays virtually clean…huzzah!

From left: Upper Crust, Oporto & Tank
Please note: Photos used for inspiration.